TeamBuild 2010: Build definitions new features

TeamBuild 2010: Build definitions new features

As I explained in my previous post, the build engine in TFS 2010 is now based on Workflow Foundation 4.0. I’ve decided to start a series on the new features of TeamBuild 2010 and will start by the creation of a new build.

In TeamBuild 2010 the build definitions has been enhanced and has new options to integrate with the new build engine. The creation of a build definition is in 6 steps:

  1. Build information.
  2. Triggers.
  3. Workspace.
  4. Default build parameters.
  5. Workflow parameters.
  6. Retention policy.

The information screen hasn’t change and still ask for the build name and it’s description:

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TeamBuild 2010 : Architecture overview

TeamBuild 2010 : Architecture overview

In TFS 2010 TeamBuild was rewrote. The engine is now based on Workflow Foundation 4.0 and the architecture is now distributed. In this post I’ll present the new architecture.

TeamBuild 2010 is composed of two components linked to the Team Project Collections:


The BuildController is link to a single collection (a collection can have multiple BuildControllers) and does all the work which doesn’t invoke heavy processor and disk usage:

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TFS 2010, no folder for build definitions

TFS 2010, no folder for build definitions

In TFS 2010 Microsoft has added the ability to organize the WorkItem queries by using folders. Unfortunately this feature is not available for build definitions and will not be available in the RTM as specified in a response to my suggestion on connect :

This feature is in their backlog but not for Dev10. If like me this feature is useful please vote for it, maybe will have it in a service pack and won’t have to wait for Dev11 :)

Carpe Diem.

Scope of properties and item in an MSBuild script

Scope of properties and item in an MSBuild script

Some time ago I asked myself what was the scope of properties and items in an MSBuild script specifically when using CallTarget and MSBuild tasks and dynamically modifying those variables. Here are the results of my (long) researches:

What we must know first:

  • Using the CallTarget task is the same as using the MSBuild task with the project $(MSBuildProjectFile). I’ll use the MSBuild task in this post.
  • Internally MSBuild uses an instance of the Project class to represents a script project.

Here is the test script I’m using:

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A new blog

A new blog

I finally decided to start my blog!

First let me introduced myself. My name is Guillaume Rouchon, I’m 31 and I’m a Consultant / Trainer for Winwise in Paris (France) since 2001. I started as a C++ developer and then went to the .Net platform and recently started to look at VisualStudio TeamSystem (VSTS).

Through this blog i’ll talk about .Net development, architecture and TeamSystem. I’ll try to post both in French and English and will assign a specific tag for each language (FR, EN).