TeamBuild 2010: Microsoft finally using his own build tools :)

TeamBuild 2010: Microsoft finally using his own build tools :)

Brian Harry just annouced on his blog that the Developer Division has made successfully it’s first end-to-end build of all Visual Studio using TeamBuild 2010. Here’s an other proof that it’s a great product.

As Brian says, Microsoft will now be able to test and find missing features to add for future versions.

Carpe Diem.

UpdateAssemblyInfo Activity for TeamBuild 2010

UpdateAssemblyInfo Activity for TeamBuild 2010

I’ve published on codeplex an activity which provides a way to manipulate the AssemblyVersion and AssemblyFileVersion values of AssemblyInfo files at build time under TeamBuild 2010: UpdateAssemblyInfo.

This activity supports the use of a pattern to specify how to update the AssemblyInfo files versions. the following tokens are dynamically replaced during execution:

  • $(current): uses the current value.
  • $(increment):increments the current value.
  • $(date<format>): uses the current date formatted with the specified <format>.
  • An integer: forces the value to the specified value.

The specified pattern must respect the version numbers form “A.B.C.D”. As an example, the pattern “$(current).$(current).$(increment).0″  keeps the current major and minor version, increments the build number and forces the revision to 0.

I’ll post an entry on an example of how to integrate this activity soon but for now i’ll recover for those past days heat (and the lack of sleep which goes with it :)). Stay tuned!

Carpe Diem.