VS 2010: Code metrics using command line

VS 2010: Code metrics using command line

Microsoft just release a PowerTools to enable Visual Studio 2010 code metrics analysis using a command line tool :

Visual Studio Code Metrics PowerTool 10.0

The result is stored in an XML file and is unfortunately not integrated to TFS for reporting or TeamBuild but it’s a start! After playing with this tool i’ll come back with a post on how to integrate it inside TeamBuild :)

Carpe Diem.

TFS: Team Explorer Everywhere 2010 SP1 Beta

TFS: Team Explorer Everywhere 2010 SP1 Beta

A small post to inform you that the beta of Team Explorer Everwhere 2010 SP1 was released and can be downloaded here:


If you don’t know what Team Explorer Everywhere 2010 is, it’s the client Team Explorer for Eclipse! (previously know as TeamPrise before being bought by Microsoft).

Here are the addition of the SP1:

  • Complete support of localization.
  • Support for Gated-Ckeckin with the same user experience as in Visual Studio 2010.
  • Support for Private Builds.
  • Build explorer enhancements (icons).
  • Support for rich editing in WorkItem.
  • Support for Apple Keychain and Gnome Key Ring to store local TFS credentials.
  • Support for custom control in WorkItem (only for desktop client).
  • Support for Internal Merge in Eclipse.
  • Enhancements on “Synchronization perspective” interface.
  • Enhancements on Shelve interface.

Carpe Diem.

TFS: TFS on Azure

TFS: TFS on Azure
Yesterday was the keynote of PDC 2010. I could not attend the broadcast, so I’ll just relay an important information without going into details:
Team Foundation Server will arrive on Azure!
For more information, please read the post from Brian Harry (English) or from Vincent (in French).
Carpe Diem.

Yesterday was the keynote of PDC 2010. I could not attend the broadcast, so I’ll just relay information important enough without going into details: Team Foundation Server will arrive at Azure! For more information, please read the post from Brian Harry (English) or that of Vincent (in French). Carpe Diem.

OT: Some news

OT: Some news

As you probably have noticed there have been no new posts, in english, for a while. Do not worry, i’m not dead :)

Right now my time is taken up by other occupations:

  • Change of job.
  • Articles for the press (in french).
  • A baby:)
I will return as soon as I find some free time :)
Carpe Diem.

TeamBuild 2010: Microsoft finally using his own build tools :)

TeamBuild 2010: Microsoft finally using his own build tools :)

Brian Harry just annouced on his blog that the Developer Division has made successfully it’s first end-to-end build of all Visual Studio using TeamBuild 2010. Here’s an other proof that it’s a great product.

As Brian says, Microsoft will now be able to test and find missing features to add for future versions.

Carpe Diem.

UpdateAssemblyInfo Activity for TeamBuild 2010

UpdateAssemblyInfo Activity for TeamBuild 2010

I’ve published on codeplex an activity which provides a way to manipulate the AssemblyVersion and AssemblyFileVersion values of AssemblyInfo files at build time under TeamBuild 2010: UpdateAssemblyInfo.

This activity supports the use of a pattern to specify how to update the AssemblyInfo files versions. the following tokens are dynamically replaced during execution:

  • $(current): uses the current value.
  • $(increment):increments the current value.
  • $(date<format>): uses the current date formatted with the specified <format>.
  • An integer: forces the value to the specified value.

The specified pattern must respect the version numbers form “A.B.C.D”. As an example, the pattern “$(current).$(current).$(increment).0″  keeps the current major and minor version, increments the build number and forces the revision to 0.

I’ll post an entry on an example of how to integrate this activity soon but for now i’ll recover for those past days heat (and the lack of sleep which goes with it :)). Stay tuned!

Carpe Diem.

Work Item Query Administration

Work Item Query Administration

I’ve published on codeplex a small command-line tool to administer work item queries: wiqadmin.

This tools, compatible with TFS 2008 and TFS 2010, supports the following commands:

  • List queries.
  • Export a query.
  • Import a query.
  • Rename (and/or move under TFS 2010) a query.
  • Delete a query (or a folder under TFS 2010).

The TFS 2010 version supports folders :)

Carpe Diem.

A true multilingual version of my blog

A true multilingual version of my blog

I finally installed the WordPress plug-in ZdMultilang to make my blog multilingual. There is no more FR and EN tag to differentiate posts. Here are the new functionalities:

  • The default language is French so you’ll have to update your bookmarks and feed readers (sorry).
  • To pass the all blog in English just select the language in the right menu.
  • A the end of each post there’s a link to view it in the other language.

To access my blog in English : http://blog.qetza.net/en/

The English feed url : http://blog.qetza.net/en/feed/

I’ve added permanent redirection on previous English posts to the new ones.

Carpe Diem

TFS 2010, no folder for build definitions

TFS 2010, no folder for build definitions

In TFS 2010 Microsoft has added the ability to organize the WorkItem queries by using folders. Unfortunately this feature is not available for build definitions and will not be available in the RTM as specified in a response to my suggestion on connect :


This feature is in their backlog but not for Dev10. If like me this feature is useful please vote for it, maybe will have it in a service pack and won’t have to wait for Dev11 :)

Carpe Diem.

A new blog

A new blog

I finally decided to start my blog!

First let me introduced myself. My name is Guillaume Rouchon, I’m 31 and I’m a Consultant / Trainer for Winwise in Paris (France) since 2001. I started as a C++ developer and then went to the .Net platform and recently started to look at VisualStudio TeamSystem (VSTS).

Through this blog i’ll talk about .Net development, architecture and TeamSystem. I’ll try to post both in French and English and will assign a specific tag for each language (FR, EN).